Question 1 -2


Question 1. Radical criminology is a perspective within criminology that examines the root causes of crime and social deviance within the context of broader social structures, particularly focusing on the inequalities and injustices within capitalist societies. Drawing on Marxist principles, radical criminology argues that crime is a product of the economic and social conditions of society, which create an environment where individuals are driven to engage in criminal behavior.The teachings of Marx, as applied to criminology, emphasize the importance of understanding crime within the framework of class struggle and the exploitation of the working class by the ruling class. Marxists argue that crime is a product of poverty, inequality, and social alienation, and that addressing these root causes is essential for tackling crime and achieving social justice.In the contemporary American society, the Marxist perspective holds significance due to the prevalence of economic inequality, social injustices, and systemic issues within the criminal justice system. Income inequality, lack of opportunities for marginalized communities, and the overrepresentation of minorities in the criminal justice system all point to the ongoing relevance of Marxist analyses of crime and social control.Furthermore, the recent movements advocating for social justice and economic equality in the U.S., such as the Black Lives Matter movement and calls for police reform, align with Marxist principles of challenging oppressive structures and advocating for a more equitable society. By addressing the underlying social and economic conditions that contribute to crime, the Marxist perspective can offer valuable insights and strategies for addressing the injustices and inequalities that persist in contemporary American society.

Question 2. I view laws and social order from a conflict perspective. This perspective suggests that laws are created by those in power to maintain their control over society, leading to constant conflict between different groups with opposing interests.A practical example of the conflict perspective can be seen in the ongoing debate over gun control in the United States. Proponents of stricter gun control laws argue that they are necessary to reduce gun violence and protect public safety. On the other hand, gun rights advocates believe that any restrictions on firearms infringe upon their Second Amendment rights.The conflict perspective helps us understand how conflicting interests and power dynamics shape the creation and enforcement of laws in society. It highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing underlying power imbalances in order to promote a more just and equitable legal system.

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