Information Tech


Create a pseudocode algorithm that will accept an unspecified number of motorist’s information which should include but not limited to their name, TRN/Driver’s License number. Your pseudocode should store information on drivers who acquired a ticket, the type of offence for the ticket, cost of the ticket, date to be paid and amount received.  Determine if motorist will receive a suspension by checking if he/she has any points from a previous offence his or her license.  Display the updated points for the motorist.  If the motorist has over 19 points, his or her license will be suspended for 2 years.  Other suspensions are based on 10 – 13 points for 6 months suspension and 14 – 19 points for 1 year suspension.  Display the names of the suspended motorist and the penalties. It should also print out the overall unpaid tickets and balances.

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