

As you begin to manage employees, what will you look for in your staff as positive and negative signs of job satisfaction? What will you do to motivate them to achieve individual and departmental goals? Discuss specific concepts from the reading which support your conclusions.  For example, responses should reflect your understanding of theories and concepts such as: leadership theories, theories of motivation, the difference between groups and teams, social loafing, or managing conflict. 

Here is the Rubric for this Discussion 7:

CriteriaNo Submission 0 points Novice 13 points Basic 16 points Proficient 18 points Exemplary 20 points Criterion Score
Support of Week's Reading

No Student Submission (0 points)

Does not refer to the readings to support postings (1-13 points)

Alludes to the readings to support postings (14-16 points)

Refers to examples from the readings to support postings (17-18 points)

Provides concrete examples from the readings to support postings; integrates prior readings in postings (19-20 points)

Score of Support of Week's Reading, / 20

No Student Submission (0 points) 

Does not integrate personal observations or knowledge; does not present new observations (1-13 points)

Integrates personal observations and knowledge in a cursory manner; does not present new observations (14-16 points)

Integrates personal observations and knowledge in an accurate way; presents new observations (17-18 points)

Integrates personal observations and knowledge in an accurate and highly insightful way; presents new observations (19-20 points)

Score of Observations, / 20
Response to Classmates

No Student Submission (0 points)

Responds in a cursory manner to classmates’ postings (1-13 points)

Constructively responds to classmates’ postings (14-16 points)

Constructively responds to classmates’ postings; offers insight that encourages other students to think critically about their own work. (17-18 points)

Constructively responds to classmates’ postings; masterfully connects the material presented in classmates’ postings to their responses; encourages classmates to think critically about their own work. (19-20 points)

Score of Response to Classmates, / 20
Organization, Word Choice, and Sentence Structure

No Student Submission (0 points)

Posts are disorganized and information is not presented in a logical sequence; word choice and sentence structure are not suitable (1-13 points)

Posts are somewhat disorganized, and information is not presented in a logical sequence; word choice and sentence structure are not suitable (14-16 points)

Posts are organized, and information is presented in a logical sequence; word choice and sentence structure are suitable; there are a few errors; however, errors do not affect readability. (17-18 points)

Posts are organized and information is presented in a logical sequence; word choice and sentence structure are suitable; no errors in the response. (19-20 points)

Score of Organization, Word Choice, and Sentence Structure, / 20

No Student Submission (0 points)

Includes no sources to support conclusions (1-13 points)

Includes 1 outside source to support and enrich the discussion; sources are not properly cited in APA format (14-16 points)

Includes 2 or more outside sources to support and enrich the discussion; sources are properly cited in APA format and are properly integrated into the discussion response (17-18 points)

Includes 2 or more outside sources to support and enrich the discussion; sources are cited using APA format; style guidelines are masterfully integrated into the discussion response. (19-20 points)

Score of References, / 20

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