le, including the sampling technique Question


le, including the sampling technique used and the size of the sample.☐ Justify the sampling technique used and the size of the sample, explaining their appropriateness in relation to the study problem, purpose, and research questions.

<h2>Data Collection Methods</h2>

Checklist:☐ Describe the specific data collection methods that will be employed in the study.☐ Justify the chosen data collection methods, explaining their appropriateness in relation to the study problem, purpose, and research questions.☐ Provide details on how the data will be collected, including any instruments or tools that will be used, as well as the procedures for data collection.

<h2>Data Analysis Procedures</h2>

Checklist:☐ Describe the specific data analysis procedures that will be used in the study.☐ Justify the chosen data analysis procedures, explaining their appropriateness in relation to the study problem, purpose, and research questions.☐ Provide details on how the data will be analyzed, including any statistical techniques or software that will be utilized.

<h2>Ethical Considerations</h2>

Checklist:☐ Discuss any ethical considerations that need to be addressed in the study, including informed consent, confidentiality, and protection of participants' rights.☐ Explain how ethical guidelines and regulations will be followed throughout the research process.☐ Describe any steps taken to ensure the ethical treatment of participants and the integrity of the study.☐ Provide information on any ethical approval or permissions obtained, if applicable.This is a checklist for Chapter 3 of a dissertation. It provides a list of items that should be included in this chapter, such as an introduction and restatement of the problem, a description of the research methodology and design, information about the population and sample, details on data collection methods and data analysis procedures, and a discussion of ethical considerations. The checklist also includes prompts to justify the chosen approaches and explain their appropriateness in relation to the study problem, purpose, and research questions.

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