

Respond to the assignment in this period's Dialogue (Group Discussion) area in Blackboard.

FORUM 2 - Discuss the value of mentoring in light of leadership styles and motivation theories (e.g., Maslow, Herzberg, etc.).
Are some leadership styles and motivation theories and models more conducive to mentoring than others?
According to the research, what are several keys to effective mentoring (e.g., self-efficacy) from the respective perspectives of the mentor and protege? Are mentoring, coaching, and discipling the same? If not, what are the advantages of each? (Include a compare-and-contrast of Mentoring, Coaching, and Discipling in a table* which you can also leverage into Projects 2 and 3.)
Respond to at least one other student and your professor.
*  A compare-and-contrast table looks like this...
Figure 1 – Compare-and-Contrast of Mentoring, Coaching, Discipling  

Criteria Mentoring Coaching Discipling
Time Duration      
[2 nd criteria]      
[3 rd criteria]      

(Adapted from Red, 2018; White, 2019, Blue, 2020 ……….)

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