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Understanding the logic of research can also help us think critically about everyday social events. Field research (everyday situations). And it varies by method-whether correlational (asking whether two or more factors are naturally associated) or experimental (manipulatiing some facot to see its effect on another)" (Myers, 2015, Pg.5).

To your question if you had any. "The greatest strength of correlational research is that it tends to occur in real-world settings where we can examine factors such as race, gender, and social status" (Myers, 2015, Pg.7). My example would be having self-esteem. Showing someone, you care, by allowing yourself to pay closer attention to them. The person that has low-self-esteem in my opinion will start to appreciate it and feel cared for.

Do you think there is some advantages and disadvantages of correlational research? What do you feel is an example of this?


Myers, D. (2015). Exploring social psychology, (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

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