Reading Response Questions Chapter 4 - Ordinary Saints Book


Read Ordinary Saints by Robert Benne Chapter 3: Places of Responsibility. I attached chapter 4 in JPG format below; each attachment is numerically organized with parentheses (Pages 63-79). 

Answer ODD questions at the end of the reading. Here are the questions:

1. What the author calls "places of responsibility” and what others have earlier called "orders of creation* are sometimes called Protestant versions of Catholic natural law. These concepts have often been controversial. What can be controversial about these concept? Are they intrinsically flawed or are they necessary concepts in Christian ethics? How does the author attempt to avoid pitfalls in using “places of responsibility” instead of "orders of creation"?

3. Do you think it is dangerous to claim that God is behind some social sanctions? Has the author avoided those dangers? What social and cultural sanctions do you think are divinely supported?

5. What are some examples of the dynamism of social norms? Give some examples of moral principles and practice that ought not change. Give some examples of changes that you think are good. How does one distinguish the former from the latter? How does the
author deal with the challenge of discernment?

7. What is the source of anxiety? How is anxiety the occasion for both creativity and sin? What forms of sin does the author discuss? Is his list exhaustive?

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