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As a city planner that was informed about social disorganization theory, I would be mindful that deteriorating buildings, lack of meaningful work and safe play and unsafe environment all play a part in the deterioration of a community. I would know that a disorganized community is known to contribute to depressive symptoms in its members, and work to minimize the isolation and stress that cause it (Cho, 2022).

  With that in mind, I would consider planning the city centrally around a park that encourages play and community: children's play equipment, a trail for bikes and runners, and outdoor excercise equipment or games like disc golf. A place where community members of all ages would be active, and equally participate in keeping an eye on children and their safety. I would allow space for a community garden to encourage being outdoors as well as eating fresh vegetables. I would consider city expansion in the future, and make sure that there is adequate commercial space for new businesses that would encourage economic growth, so there is not a job shortage. I would also consider sidewalks and bike lanes, as well as a city bus program, to make sure that owning a vehicle is not a requirement for getting to work or school. 

I would avoid creating alleys and empty lots, to reduce places where loitering could take place. I would include bright lights so the city could be safe even after dark. 

While planning a city carefully makes a difference, its not capable of resisting crime and delinquency on its own. Civic participation, funding of education programs and intentionality will all contribute to an organized, connected community. 


Cho, S. (2022). Theories explaining the relationship between neighbourhood stressors and depressive symptoms. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 9(1) doi:

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