due monday


Life course theory suggests that delinquent behavior is a dynamic process, influenced by individual characteristics, as well as social experiences, and that the factors that cause antisocial behaviors change dramatically over a person’s lifespan. According to the life course view, even as toddlers, people begin relationships and behaviors that will determine their adult life course. Some individuals are incapable of maturing in a reasonable and timely fashion because of family, environmental, or personal problems.  Since a transition from one stage of life to another can be a bumpy ride, the propensity to commit crimes is neither stable nor constant. It is a developmental process.             
Latent trait theory suggests that a stable feature, characteristic, property, or condition, such as defective intelligence or impulsive personality, makes some people delinquency-prone over the life course. Suspected latent traits include defective intelligence; damaged or impulsive personality; genetic abnormalities; the physical-chemical functioning of the brain; and environmental influences on brain function, such as drugs, chemicals, and injuries.  These traits are associated with antisocial behaviors.

  • Write a 2-page paper describing whether you believe delinquency is more a product of:
    • social factors and experiences (life course) or,
    • a latent trait. 
    • Include a description of each of these, including a treatment comparing and contrasting the two theories.
  • Ensure that you provide an introduction, conclusion, and a minimum of two scholarly resources that support your writing.

Ensure that you use the Paper Writing rubric to guide your efforts and support your work with scholarly academic resources using APA format.
Click on "FIVE: Developmental Theory Paper" above to submit your assignment.

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