How Should We Deal With Violent Crime?


Before you submit, be sure to read the assignment rubric below for more details/requirements for this discussion forum.

For this participation, we are going to listen to the radio! Or at least an online podcast  that I first heard on the radio. 

Link: This American Life: Crime Pays to an external site. 

NOTE: If you'd like to see a transcript of this story, or read along as you listen, there is one available here . You'll have to scroll down a bit to see it, since it is part of a larger, longer program ("Act Two: Crime Pays") to an external site.

Summary: The police department in Richmond, CA tried a controversial method of reducing gun violence in their city: paying those with a known history of gun violence to personally commit to no gun violence. Sounds a little different, right? But it turns out it works, and much better than harsher policing and other more commonly used tactics. In this broadcast we will meet Sam Vaughn, a man whose job it is to monitor the criminals' progress and keep them on track. Your tasks: 1. Click on the link (or right-click and select "open in new tab"), and hit the play button just below the title "Crime Pays." 2. As you listen, consider the following questions. Do not post answers to these. Just think and consider as you listen:

a. Our common approach to crime - aggressive police tactics, longer prison sentences, etc. - is based on certain assumptions about crime and criminals. The ONS approach - providing financial and emotional support for these folks to change their lives - also assumes certain things about crime and criminals. What are the assumptions in both approaches, and how do they differ? 

b. What information led the department to pursue this new approach?

c. How did the new task force - ONS - approach and treat the violent criminals? 

d. Sam Vaugn is a neighborhood "change agent" for ONS. What does his work look like day-to-day?

e. Is the headline/title for the podcast correct? Is this program only about paying people? Why or why not?

f. Many studies have noted that "poverty is expensive." How does Cardell's experience reflect this?

g.  Does the task force provide enough financial assistance for the participants to completely give up all criminal activity?

h. What do you see as the main reason this program was successful?


Now...answer and discuss the following questions in your post.

1. Utilizing what we learned in Chapter 7 on the Legal System, as well as Chapter 5 on Political Economy, identify connections between two points from one or both of those chapters, and something from this podcast. 

2.  Sam says that when it comes to changing your life, the easiest part of that is changing your mind about something, and believing it. According to him, what is the hardest part of changing your life, the part that is missing for the people he is serving? 

3.  Sam discusses how many people have negative reactions to the ONS program (the idea of "paying people who commit crimes"), and to the fact that he was able to get his college degree (and more) while he was in prison. What do you think of his answer to these reactions? What are your thoughts after hearing this program?

I have attached chapter 7 and 5 

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