

What are five important qualities of leadership, or of a leader?  You will begin by listing these five qualities.  For example, if I'd asked about the most important qualities of a drummer, you could say:

Timekeeping Energy Restraint/Appropriateness in playing Listening skills Punctuality (we are supposedly late all the time) Please do not research this. Just think about it, maybe talk to someone else, but come up with these answers without Google/Internet.   Why? Because the first time I did this, almost everyone Googled it, used the same article/link that came up first, and then just copied and pasted the first five qualities.  It was pointless and very frustrating.  Sometimes Google is great, and sometimes it really isn't.

Here's your task:

1) list the qualities of leadership you come up with;

2) below your list, expand/explain at least two of them in greater detail, giving examples;

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