Writing Sample (you can choose a topic or I can)


Writing Sample 

English 111 

It is strictly a way for the instructor to assess the level at which students are writing. I will look at creativity, thoroughness, and writing and communication skills. Do not worry too much about this short piece; it will be used as a gauge for your progress throughout the semester. How you format it does not matter for now as long as your name, the assignment, and your section number can be found on it.  


As well as helping me evaluate your writing skills, this will also be a way for me to get to know you.  


Choose one of the questions below and write at least three paragraphs using complete sentences that elaborate on your answer.  

  • What is your favorite movie, TV show, song, book, or poem? What stands out about it?  

  • Who is your biggest role model and why? 

  • If you could spend time with anyone (living or dead), who would it be? What would you do? 

  • What made you decide to come to college? 

  • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? 

  • What is a quote that you live your life by? What does this quote mean to you? 

  • If you could be an animal, which animal would you be? Why? What would you do? 

  • If you were turned into an appliance or machine, what would you be? 

  • If you were a color, which color would you be and why? 

  • Who would play you in a movie about your life? Who would play your love interest? Who would write the screenplay? 

  • Choose something that is special to you – a ticket stub, a baseball cap, a candy bar wrapper. Describe this object in full and tell its story. How did this object come into your possession (or you into its possession)? What is the story behind it? Why is this object special? What does this object make you think of when you see it? What does it say about you? 

  • What will your life be like in five years? Where do you hope you will be? What will you be doing?  

  • We all have pet peeves, things people do that just get on our nerves. What is your pet peeve? How do you react when it happens? How do you envision the other person reacting? Have you ever confronted anyone about your pet peeve? 

  • How do you think people who know you casually describe you? How do family members describe you? How do you describe you? Are any of these descriptions accurate? 

  • What would be your dream job? Why?  

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