Module 2 Creation Q & A Assignment


Creation Question and Answer Assignment

Answer the following questions based upon the attached documents called Faith Study Bible (FSB) and Genesis Part I.  The readings are attached below and please include the questions before your answers in the assignment.

1. According to the FSB notes on page 4, what are the two possible interpretations of the Hebrew word “bere’shith” (translated, “In the beginning”)?

2. According to the FSB notes on page 4, how is the Hebrew word “Bara” translated?  How is this verb used in the Old Testament?  This verb also suggests what aspect of God’s creative work?

3. According to the FSB notes on page 4, what do the Hebrew words tohu and bohu (translated, “formless and empty”) describe?  The same words are used in Jeremiah 4:23 to mean what?  What do these words indicate about what was present as God started His creative work on “the 1st day” of Genesis 1?

4. According to the FSB notes on page 4, what does the Hebrew word “Tehom” (translated “the deep”) refer to?

5. According to the FSB notes on page 4 for Genesis 1:4, God calls His handiwork “Tov” or “good” 7 times.  What does this word indicate about the relationship between God and His new creation?

6. According to the FSB notes on pages 4 and 6 for Genesis 1:5, answer the following questions:

7. Many Christians take the phrase “there was evening and there was morning, the first day (Yom in Hebrew) as meaning a 24-hour, solar day. Other Christians do not interpret the days of creation as 24-hour days.  What is the “framework view”? 

  1. What is the “analogical day view”?
  2. What is the “punctuated activity view”?
  3. What is the “gap view”?
  4. What is the “day-age view”?

8. The visual on page 5 of the FSB shows the Ancient Hebrew (and other ancient people’s) conception of the Universe (Cosmology). 

  1. Into what 4 parts did the ancient Israelites divide the world?
  2. How did they view the sky?
  3. Where did God dwell in this point of view?
  4. How was the world (the earth) viewed?
  5. What did they called the Underworld and how did they view it?

9. From the verses of Genesis 1 and the notes and visuals from FSB, pages 4-9, briefly summarize what was created or what activity was done on each of the 7 days of God’s work of creation.

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • Day 6
  • Day 7
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