Poster Essay




The final paper must cite at least five academic sources and must meet the following source type requirements:


Use the poster (in the attachment) to help as a guideline with you essay. You can recycle the thesis statement which is at the top in italics.

  • 2 academic books or eBooks
  • 1 academic article that is peer reviewed from an academic journal
  • 1 website (gallery website preferred)

*Sources such as Encyclopedias, Wikipedia, Britannia, Encarta, or any other online dictionaries or open-sourced resources are not allowed. This includes sites such as, but not limited to; artsy, artstory, YouTube, reddit or other social media. Videos and documentaries are not permitted.

Here is a helpful list of good art history websites (you are not restricted to these):

Formatting Guidelines:

1.  You must use a standard letter size page in portrait view (21.59cm x 27.94cm / 8” x 11”).

2.  You must double space (2.0)

3.  You must use Times New Roman font, size 12.  

4.  You must use 3cm margins on all edges.

5.  You should indicate a paragraph change by indenting 

6.  Your paper is to be free of spelling and grammatical errors. You may use either English or American spelling, again you must be consistent.

7.  Cite dates as follows:  1832-1836; 15 July 1836; the fifteenth-century; c. 1500; fifteenth-century houses.

8.  Place quotations within double inverted commas; quotations within quotations in single inverted commas.  Quotations more than 6 lines long should start on the next line and use a single-spaced block quote format.

9.  Italicize the titles of books, journals, works of art, buildings, and theses. Do not underline them.

10. Italicise your thesis statement

11.  Use only Chicago Style 17th edition (CMOS), footnotes/bibliography for referencing the sources of your information. 

12. Images are to be included at the end of your essay in an image appendix, never embedded in your essay - see spec for assistance. You should include at least one image as this is an art history essay

13. A title page in CMOS 17th edition will start your essay see title page spec, note this also includes keywords from your essay

14. You must have a bibliography in CMOS 17th edition at the end of your essay

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Things to Consider for a Successful Submission: 

1. Does the paper have a clearly formulated thesis?

2. Is it written in formal, academic language appropriate to the subject?

3. Are the citations appropriate/overused or underused? Are they balanced as much as possible between all of your sources?

4. Is there evidence of original thought?


Geographical Publications – "Geographical Publications." Journal of Geography 52, (1953): 355.


Historians and American Foreign Policy – Black, Wilfred W. "Historians and American Foreign Policy." Social Studies 44, no. 2 (Feb 01, 1953): 43.


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