Marketing Advertisement Project


In this project, you are required to develop an IMC campaign, write a creative brief for a brand of your choice, and make a commercial video (or series of short videos if you wish) based on that creative brief. You may choose to work on a real or a fictitious brand/product, doesn’t matter. For example, you may choose to work on an IMC campaign for Lipton Ice Tea, or a hypothetical X brand that you invent. Either way, the campaign idea should be completely yours; should not be adopted from any real brand or product that we know of.

            On the presentation day, take your time to explain the IMC campaign, creative brief and your movie(s). You will have 15 minutes to present + 5 minutes for Q&A. Provide a coherent overview of the strategy behind your campaign and deliver your objectives clearly. Your oral explanation is important. Assume that your audience has no idea about the brand and its marketing communications strategy. In preparing your presentation, try to incorporate all issues that we discussed in class that are relevant to your IMC campaign.

Evaluation will not include execution. This means that technical aspects or shooting quality will not affect the grade. Spend the time wisely for creating strategy, consumer insights, message delivery and HAVE FUN!

Evaluation Criteria

·      Detailed explanation of the IMC campaign. What is your brand and why are you having this IMC campaign? Besides this movie, what other communication mix elements do you suggest to be used in this campaign and why? In discussing your ideas, refer to our class notes and make sure that you present your thoughts by using the appropriate marketing terminology that we learnt in this class. (4 pts)

·      Assume that you need to conduct market research before launching this movie. (1) How will you test your ad. before launching it? State why you chose the suggested data collection method, (2) Who will be your respondents and how many respondents will you use? (3) What questions will you ask to the respondents? (9 pts)

·      Content of the creative brief. Below is a creative brief template which you can refer to. Make sure that you cover all the points that are necessary in a creative brief. You can show your creative brief in a few slides (as you see the need), and explain it orally. (10 pts)

·      Conceptual link between the creative brief and the movie. While the technical aspects of your video(s) do not matter, it is important that your output should meet the criteria that are provided in the creative brief. (3 pts)

·      This is a creativity project so be creative! (interesting slides, visuals, etc.) (4 pts)

·      Every team member should take part in the presentation or they will not get a grade for it.

·      Please practice your presentation beforehand so that you stick to the 15-minute time limit.

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