rc discussion 1


Objective: Identify the appropriate questions needed to investigate a crime scene and prepare a thorough incident report.  

We meet the six honest serving men again this week: who, what, where, when, why, and how, but here we delve into the actual specifics of what questions a criminal investigator must ask.  It is these questions that will provide the criminal investigator with the ability to take accurate field notes and prepare a proper incident report.  Included in the incident report is the important narrative summarizing the events and important facts of the crime.  It is imperative as a criminal investigator that the incident is completely filled out and accurate because if the case should proceed to trial it will be a defense attorney’s job to attack that criminal investigator’s credibility including the incident report.  Bottom line: Document, Document, Document!

  • Interview Questions Week 2 Case Study

    • Open the case study and complete the questions.

  • Explain the importance of properly documenting everything and the repercussions if the written portion of an investigation is inaccurate.

  • Distinguish between field notes and a full incident report.

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