Legal Environment Of Business: Employment Law Project


Use the attached American Bar Association Case Study to address the following questions: 

1. After reading the case study, what questions do you have regarding the case?
2. What are some of the interests the Court will have to balance in coming to a decision in this case?
3. Think about the roles established in the Constitution for Congress and the Supreme Court. 
     a. What are some arguments for why the Court should be the branch to settle this issue?
     b. What are some arguments for why Congress should be the branch to settle this issue?
4. In looking at the map contained in the case study, how might individuals and employers be affected by differences between state legislation in employment discrimination?

Answers should demonstrate mastery of the concepts contained in the chapters from this unit which should include sexual orientation and identification discrimination. Pull at least one reference from the majority opinion in Bostock (attached below) to support each answer. Be sure to cite. 

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