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I enjoyed reading your post. You stated, “Secular culture disagrees with most aspects like masculinity and a man being a protector of his wife. This is shown through the present lifestyle that involves the woman being a leader by herself and not depending on the man for protection.” I agree with your statement and do find it problematic that in many cases men are not allowed the opportunity to be the biblical man God meant for them to be because the changing roles of women as breadwinners, head of household, single parents, single people, kickboxers, and gun gurus have pushed men to the sidelines.

I have heard woman state that they do not need a man and that they prefer to stay single or never remarry after a death or divorce. Also, there is a growing trend of woman preferring to never marry. Riggs & Tweedell (2010) state, “Some women are deciding to have children outside of marriage. In 2005, one fourth of all children were living in single-parent homes (p. 11). All these factors deprive men their role as husband, and in some case, father.

Men and woman were created to be together as husband and wife. Of course, there are situations where people experience death and divorce. The strength of a man is not just in his brawn, but in his ability to be kind; loving and gentle; faithful to God and his wife; understanding; a leader and role model for his children; and a hard and honest worker. All these qualities constitute strength and masculinity. Also, there will always be instances today where women will earn more than their male counterparts; nevertheless, there should be compromise and understanding.

Question: Is there anything that you feel can be done to change secular culture’s view and acceptance of man as less masculine, less important, and less necessary in the family?

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