Its done.. Thank you


There are two assets in the market, 𝐴 and 𝐵. With probability 𝑝, asset 𝐴 will

experience a total loss in value, otherwise it will retain its value. Similarly

for asset 𝐵. Furthermore, the returns of asset 𝐴 and 𝐵 are independent.

You can make one of the following two choices:

Allocate 100% of your wealth to 𝐴, or

Allocate 50% of your wealth to 𝐴 and 50% to 𝐵.

What allocation do you choose if your preferences are represented by

Expected Utility Theory?

What allocation do you choose if your preferences are represented by

Prospect Theory, with no probability weighting?

Please answer as soon as possible..

Its Urgent..

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