Chess project


What I thought would be a good idea is two player chess. We can print the rules and commands at the beginning of the game and have a user input commands based on a grid system.

Moving Parts

There will be a couple different parts to this project. First is the instructions and the input of commands from the user. Like I said, we could use scanners and make this part very simple. We also need to the manage the GUI. I believe that the best way to work with the grid system is to have a double array that we convert to a string and display to the user after every move. Every move will update the double array and reprint. We need to have a couple methods set up to maintain rules. We can't have pieces jumping over each other (except the knight), we cant have pieces trying to leave the board, certain functions don't apply later in the game like castling or en passant, and we need to make sure the kings are never in check unless the game is won. If all works well, we need to make the move and update the board. As for designs, I was thinking the classic B for bishop N for knight K for king etc., however, we need some way to distinguish between black and white chess pieces. If we really can't figure out what to do about the variance of black and white pieces, we could always use special characters.


To dive a little further into the GUI. What we could have is an outside border and a grid system similar to battle ship:

We will have ABCDEFGH along the top x-axis and 12345678 along the left side y-axis. We can use ____ to divide the letter portion of the grid from the board and | to divide the number portion of the grid from the board. Every move, if made correctly, will update the board and return it to the user. 

Pls help me write it in java.

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