English assiginment.


Write a review of a restaurant, bar, movie, book, concert, musical release, play, television show, or anything else that seems appropriate.

Additional Information

  • Choose a subject you are familiar with and care about. If you are reviewing a live performance, choose one you attended recently so the details are still fresh in your mind.
  • Jot down a profile of your audience. How much background information will your readers need? Are you writing for a highly specialized audience or for the ordinary reader? What does your reader need and want to know about your subject? Remember that every reader needs the basic information: who, what, where, when, and how.
  • Give your readers a taste of the product. Most people read reviews about something they have not yet experienced. Name the house specialties if you are reviewing a restaurant, or give the titles of the songs on an album if you are reviewing a musical release. Summarize the plot of a play or movie—just be sure not to give away the ending.
  • Write a review—not a summary. If you review a book, a movie, or some other type of production, it should not be a summary of the plot. You should refer to the plot—without giving anything away—but it should not be the focus of the review.
  • Refer to the item being reviewed in the first sentence. Provide a clear reference so someone else could find the same book or CD, visit the same restaurant or play, or identify a movie or television show.
  • Use appropriate vocabulary. A review is not as formal as an academic essay, but because you are using the written language, it must be more formal than spoken language.
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