Chapter 38


Review and Write OR Create and Write

Pick ONE of the following to answer in a short essay of two or three well-developed paragraphs. Remember to include specific details. If you choose to answer question 3 or 4, you may submit a written description of your proposed work of art OR a photograph of the actual artwork you made, with brief artist's statement. 

1)        Pick a work of art, a song, a film, poem or piece of prose, a work of dance or theater and discuss how it made you better understand a certain historical, political, or social event from the twentieth century. Include a few descriptive details from the original work you have chosen.  

2)        Has a specific work(s) studied in this course challenged a preconception or misconception that you had coming in? Identify the work and its creator, define the pre-or mis-conception, and explain how and why you now feel differently.

3)        In the spirit of Marcel Duchamp, describe your readymade response to the Coronavirus. Even better: put together a readymade and send me a picture of it. Include a brief artist’s statement. (For inspiration, look back at Fountain (Urinal) and L.H.O.O.Q.)

4)        Summon the spirit of Bettye Saar and her mixed-media assemblage The Liberation of Aunt Jemima, and construct a mixed media assemblage representative of your own liberation. As with #3, you may construct an assemblage (or what Joseph Cornell called a shadow box) and send a picture, with an artist’s statement.

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