human resource management functions paper


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Objective: Examine how the major human resource management functions support the organization’s objectives.

This assignment employs an introspective type of learning activity. You will be asked to read and then reflect on how human resource professionals and managers can most effectively work together to accomplish the objectives in the major HR functional areas.

The major function areas of human resources are in place to not only help organizations achieve their strategic objectives and goals, but to also serve as support for managers as they supervise and manage employees on a daily basis. How well managers and human resource professionals collaborate together is critical in determining how well these functions are managed, and ultimately how well the organization will function.

  • In a 2-3 page paper, identify five human resource management functions.
    • Briefly define each of these five areas.
      • Reflect on how HR professionals and managers should work collaboratively to maximize the impact of the major functional areas.
      • Consider how HR assists the organization in achieving its objectives.
    • Create a graphic depiction of HR functional areas. (Smart Art graphic in Word is a tool you can use for this assignment.)
      • Include this graphic as Appendix A in your paper.

All written assignments should be formatted using APA. For the current OCU APA Template, click the Student Toolkit in the top navigation bar and view the APA: Citation and Formatting Help page.

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