Essay Exam



Generally speaking, refusing to join the army is an act of civil disobedience. Discuss this act by stating your own opinion. Give example(s) to defend your opinion. (This question is related to our topics ‘Civil disobedience’ and ‘War ethics’)  

Have to answer it in 3-4 paragraphs. You will be graded according to 3 criteria: i- How well you use our course material; ii- How well you present your own opinion; iii- The basic structure of your essay (for ex: does it have the form ‘intro-body-conclusion’ ?).

Out topics ‘Civil disobedience’ and ‘War ethics’ will be sufficient for you in your answer. You don’t have to use extra resources. If you use extra resources, DON’T forget to add footnotes to your essay

Your essays will be checked by programs like Turnitin. 

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