DR/BC Plan Implementation


6-8 Pages including reference Page.

Week 4: DR/BC Plan Implementation

The project deliverables are as follows:

  • Update the DR/BC Plan title page with the new date.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor's feedback.
    • Mitigation plans
      • Prior to an event
        • What steps can be taken prior to an event or prior to testing of DR/BC tactics to minimize any loss of business continuity?
      • During an event
        • Once a “jeopardy” situation has arisen, whether unintentionally caused by normal business activity or caused by a manmade or natural event, describe the steps that should be taken to control the situation.
      • After an event
        • After the event has ended, what are the steps and actions that must be taken, and how do you learn from this event to prevent reoccurrences?
    • Policies
      • Research, identify, and document the various policies and procedures that need to be considered for inclusion in a DR/BC Plan.
      • Who will be responsible for writing these procedures and policies?
      • What approvals are required for such procedures and policies?
    • Training
      • What training is required? Consider the following groupings at a minimum:
        • Executive
        • DR/BC team
        • Middle managers
        • Department heads
        • Employees
        • Suppliers
        • Other
    • Emergency response team
      • Research and define the emergency response team as it pertains to your company.
        • Who should be included?
        • What roles do they play?
        • What are their responsibilities?
        • What triggers the ERT going into action?
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