English listening test


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What's the Topic?

A)  Art
B)  Changing Attitudes
C)  Charity
D)  Climate
E)  Competition
F)  Dress Code
G)  Economy
H)  Family Culture
I)  Fashion
K)  Further Education
L)  Information Technology
M)  Language Usage
N)  Leisure Activity
O)  Publication
P)  Relationships
R)  Shopping
S)  Space Research
T)  Surprising Conclusion
V)  Suspected Crime
X)  Travel



Mark your answer by writing one of the letters A, B, C or D 

Part 1

1)  The first interviewee at Waterloo says that he is two-faced about punctuality. What does he mean by that?

A) He only gets annoyed if people are late for lunch.
B) He is always late himself, but can’t stand others being late.
C) He likes being punctual, but only for necessary, important things.
D) He is always late for lunch.


2)  About national stereotypes Dr Collet says that ...

A) most national stereotypes concern punctuality
B) studies on the subject confirm the general European opinion
C) national stereotypes are purely fictional
D) people in Western Europe make fun of each other


3)  What did Dr Collet want to find out in his study on time and time use?

A) If there is any truth behind national stereotypes.
B) If the European stereotypes are punctual.
C) If the people in literature were on time.
D) European managers’ time management.

1) ......
2) .......
3) .......


Part 2

4)  The result expected from the study was that ...

A) the French are more punctual than the Germans
B) there would be no major difference between the peoples
C) the French are less punctual than the Germans
D) commuters' behaviour is unpredictable


5)  What did Dr Collet do to find out if the managers' answers agreed with their behaviour?

A He sent out a questionnaire.
B) He interviewed them about their time management.
C) He interviewed the managers’ secretaries.
D) He asked their secretaries to spy on them.


6)  What nationality were the managers who were willing to wait the longest?

A) They were British
B) They were English
C) They were German
D) They were French


7)  According to the study, who were the most impatient?

A) The British
B) The Swedes
C) The German
D) The French

4) .......
5) ......
6) .....
7) .....


Part 3

8) What excuse did people make for what is called "unavoidable lateness".

A) That they have bad luck.
B) That they were stuck in traffic.
C) That they don’t care about being on time.
D) It difference depending on which country you are from.


9)  How does Dr Pasoe explain that some people are constantly late due to what they call "bad luck"?

A) Some people simply have very bad luck.
B) It is a problem psychologists need to treat.
C) Some people are always late.
D) It is characteristic of their personality.


10)  Some people are late for meetings because they . . .

A) desperately want everything to be just right
B) are confused or absent-minded
C) spend too much time doing paper work
D) have too many things to carry


11) People who are easily bored tend to be late for their appointments. Why?

A) They fill their days with too many things to avoid being bored and then they are late.
B) They cut it very fine.
C) They want excitement in their lives.
D) They don’t want to arrive on time.

8) .......
9) ......
10) .....
11) .....


Part 4

12)  What is the connection between status and lateness?

A) People with high status don’t like to be late.
B) Lower status people are always kept waiting.
C) The higher your status, the longer you might keep someone waiting.
D) Lower status people are often late.


13)  What type of people might decide to be "spectacularly late"?

A) People are too busy to be on time.
B) Celebrities such as stars and super models.
C) People who are very important.
D) People who don’t care about others.


14)  Why do people today seem to be squeezing as much as possible into their time schedules?

A) It is normal in today’s society.
B) They want to be successful.
C) They are very stressed because they have too much to do.
D) They have poor time management skills.


15) What sort of societies tend not to be too concerned with time?

A) Agricultural societies.
B) Societies where seasons are important.
C) Industrial societies.
D) Different types of societies.

16) What country is mentioned as an example of a society with a more relaxed attitude to time?

A) The United States of America
B) Great Britain
C) Brazil
D) Sweden


17) What is Dr Pasoe's concluding remark about the attitude of people who are late?

A) It is annoying.
B) They lack consideration for other people
C) Punctuality is all about time.
D) People who are late have a bad attitude.

12) .......
13) ......
14) .....
15) .....
16) .......
17) ......

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