Child Studies


This is an individual assignment that requires you to observe and record a selected child’ behaviour and then to interpret the information. The child should be under 7 years old. Please record the child’s age and months. Your observation report should be around 800-1000 words.

You may conduct observations at the location you choose or in a preschool setting. If you wish to observe at a preschool setting, you will need to make arrangements prior to your visit independently.

Here are some of the main components of your observation.

  • Identify your observation location, time, subject, and attach your observation notes. Your observation record will need to be specific, objectively observable behaviours.
  • Your observation should be based on developmentally appropriate practice, you will need to identify the objective of your observation. You will need to describe its theoretical basis and explain its practical significance for understanding children’s learning and development and addressing policy issues.
  • Apply theories from our lecture and readings to your data, and you assess whether your observation questions were answered and what those answers are. <ol>
  • State the questions which are relevant observed behaviours from your data.
  • For each question you asked, explain how the data answers your question. Link specific observed behaviour to the individual mechanics of theories you choose to apply. Make sure you are specific and demonstrate that you understand each theory. If you were not able to answer a question, explore reasons.
  • </ol>
  • Include full APA citation for the reference you use: please do not use someone else's ideas or words without attribution.
  • Summary and reflection on what you learn about the developmental theories and reflect on the insights of your project and how your experience will impact your future professional.
  • </ol>

    Child Observation Report<span></span>


    Total possible points is 25>


    Observation data

  • Observation notes are detailed and descriptive
  • There are 8-15 objective observation have been recorded
  • Observation questions are clearly stated and accurately linked to the theory
  • </ol>




    Analysis of the data

  • Information is clearly stated, organized and connected to the data
  • Demonstrates an understanding of course material
  • Demonstrate critical reflection and thought
  • </ol>

    Reflection and summary

  • Both parts have been completed, are clearly stated and demonstrated critical reflection and thought
  • </ol>


    Writing style and citation
    1.Idea, theory and information have been cited correctly
    2.Observation is written in a professional tone, sentences are well phrased and flow smoothly, and word choice is appropriate.


     5 >





    Anecdotal Records
    Anecdotal Records are detailed, narrative descriptions of an incident involving
    one or several children. They are focused narrative accounts of a specific event.
    They are used to document unique behaviors and skills of a child or a small
    group of children. Anecdotal Records may be written as behavior occurs or at a
    later time.
    Child’s Name: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________
    Child’s Age: _________________________________
    Time: _____________________________
    Date of Birth: _______________________________
    Setting: _______________________________________________________________________________________

    (Describe exactly what you see and hear; do not summarize behavior. Use
    words conveying exactly what a child said and did. Record what the child did
    when playing or solving a problem. Use specific language to describing what the
    child said and did including facial expression and tone of voice; avoid
    interpretations of the child’s behavior; For example “He put on a firefighter’s hat
    and said, “Let’s save someone!” or “He looked towards the puzzle piece and then
    looked toward the puzzle. He put the puzzle piece on the puzzle and turned the
    piece until it fit. He took the puzzle piece out.” Avoid using judgmental language)

    (What specific inferences can you make from this anecdotal record? What does
    it tell you about this child’s growth and development? The inferences must be
    directly related to the domain designated in the anecdote and refer to a specific
    aspect of the domain.)

    (Give a specific activity that you would incorporate into curriculum planning as a
    result of what you learned about this child. Be sure the plan is directly related to
    the area of development described in the anecdote. Be sure the activity is a
    different activity than the one in the anecdote. Include a brief explanation of why
    you would create the specific activity.)

    Anecdotal Records
    Anecdotal Record Developmental Domain- Social
    Child’s Name: Jai Liam  Date: January 11, 2010
    Child’s Age: 4 years 1 month
    Time: 9:15!AM
    Date of Birth: February!9,!2006
    Observer: Ms. Natalie
    Setting: Ray of Light Montessori,!Main Playground



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