week four JC discussion 200 words


In today’s turbulent, increasingly global, and hyper-competitive environment, leaders must ensure that their organizations are proactive and adaptive.  The required reading for this workshop discusses strategies and requirements for effective change management.  By nature, effective change management comes from the top leadership team, but effective leadership in this area must fully engage and motivate employees to not only participate in the change, but also to contribute to the vision of what that change should look like.  Using biblical principles can ensure that these goals are achieved.  . 

  • Download and read the Workshop Four PowerPoint Presentation.
  • Based on the following scenario, prepare to engage in discussion around the questions immediately following it.

Scenario:  Verillon Entertainment has been the leading manufacturer of LED, flat screen TV’s.  However, the company begins to see just a hint of declining sales due to new 3-D/virtual technology being offered by competitors.  Fearing that this is just the beginning of further declining sales, and realizing that these new forms of technology could represent a paradigm shift for the home entertainment industry, the leadership team decides to shift the emphasis of the company to this new line of products.  Leaders determine that the first step is to form an ad hoc group consisting of representatives from marketing, sales, product development, and production management to develop a 3-D/virtual reality entertainment system.  They know that employees will all be skeptical of the proposed change, especially since the leadership team will be pulling them away from things that are already keeping them busy.

  • Fully discuss the following:
    • Based on the reading for this workshop, how can the leadership team effectively communicate the need for change, overcome resistance from employees, and ensure that everyone is on the same page?
    • What would be some of the advantages of and ad hoc group, and how can leaders help to ensure its success?
    • Response posts should further the discussion by asking clarifying questions and sharing alternative views.

Support your work with scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided.  Quoting or paraphrasing from any source in discussion posts requires APA format by including an in-text citation and listing the reference at the end of the post.

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