The questions are in the file but I wrote them i


The questions are in the file but I wrote them incase you could not see them but it make sense with the file. and you can find the quotes in the file to.

In The Truth About Stories, Thomas King analyzes the nature of the different ways we perceive ourselves, each other, and the world around us. Now your task is to utilize the concepts in King’s work to delve into your own truths mixed with realities. Pick one of the provided King quotes from The Truth About Stories, and match it with an image from your life - this could be from any social media platform, a photo from home, or an image that is personally connected to you. You will then explore the nature of the connection between your chosen quote and the images you choose to represent your ideas related to this quote. What we are exploring is the nature of truth (this relates to the perception of truth we tell ourselves as part of our narrative) vs Reality (the real truth that is lurking underneath the perceptions of truth that we cling to in our understanding of ourselves). Still struggling to grasp this concept? Let’s explore

Think of any Instagram feed. What do you see? The lens of your perception is focused on the curated experiences of the account holder. Is your portrayal of your life, and your experiences which you present to others, the truth? Your desire to be perceived in a certain way? Your reality that is uncurated and unfiltered? What you create in the virtual world to represent you will invariably influence the way others perceive you. This task is designed to make you question the nature between truth and reality in how you represent your story of yourself.

In this example, what is the difference between the projected perceived truth that the individual is presenting to the viewer and the reality of the evidence? Remember to look at all the evidence to get the entire story. What impact does the reality have on the projected truth? This duality of projected truth vs reality is what you are going to explore as you choose your Thomas King quote that speaks to your understanding of the reading, and combine this with your visual representation. You will need to explain your choices in detail, as you move back and forth from the excerpt, the projection of your truth that you’ve curated, and the reality that is often hidden behind the projected perceived truth.

Here’s another example of how the curated self gets appropriated by alterior motivations. The message is ironic, given the lifestyle this particular individual leads. The medium has been co-opted by the perceived curated truth (which has become the advert). The messaging of “Sustainability is sexy” is lost in the medium of the sale of “consumption of clothes, products, and vanity travel” (pointed out by one astute individual in the comments section). This is the projection of lifestyle for sale.

Interestingly, Caelynn (pictured left) is in a relationship with Dean (previous page). Their mission is to “experience the beauty of the world, through travel and adventure.” But how much of their experiences are truly their own? Again, this is the perception of truth (curated) vs the untold reality (the uncurated truth that lurks underneath the presentation). This projected truth is not the real (or entirely true) story. As you contemplate the various quotes from The Truth About Stories, by Thomas King, select one that helps you develop your own example of how this concept works. There are many examples in our own lives of how we present certain truths that are often not the entire story. How do these stories change with the reality, once they surface?

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