Transforming a current event into a poem


The Middle: Making Choices and Making Poetry Your goal for this task is to transform a current event of your choosing into a poem. Be mindful of voice, tone and creativity as you choose a headline to explore through poetry. Outcomes focused on: Exploration and Collaboration. and a topic for the answer.

Step One: Find a current event that connects to one of the course essential questions: Who writes the stories? Who benefits from the stories? Who is missing from the stories?

 Consider websites such as CBC, The New York Times, BBC News,

Step two: List three to four possible current events to explore 

Step Three: and choose one issue that really speaks to you. One issue you find challenging, essential, necessary to explore further. Save and copy the hyperlink of the news article. 

Step Four: Start to write a poem. Where do you start? Maybe take a key quote from the article and go from there. Maybe make personal connections to the article and write your feelings out. Maybe imagine yourself in the shoes of someone most affected by the situation you have selected. Maybe ignore all of this and just write what comes out of your wonderful and unique mind.

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