action research paper


rstone1 there has to be an article cited as well!

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Objective 2: Identify modern theoretical frameworks used in working with clients in a variety of human service settings.

In this course, and throughout your academic program, you will regularly review research to support conclusions and implications for future research in the field. By performing literature reviews, you will meet several academic outcomes, including comparing and contrasting information and exploring relevant sources that are directly related to your specific area of focus. As you begin working in the profession, you will need to continue to be a student of your craft and stay current with developments evolving in your field. The assigned research activity allows you to discover new information and practices, consider critiques and alternate methods, and explore the effectiveness of specific techniques.

  • Review Chapter 11 of your textbook.
  • Write a 2-3 page paper summarizing a peer reviewed study evaluating a practice you may consider utilizing in your own work with clients. For example, if you plan to work with clients in a mental health capacity, you may want to locate an article that evaluates the therapeutic approach of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. A social worker may want to evaluate the Systems Theory approach when working with clients. Provide the following information:
    • The title, author, and date of publication of the article
    • The problem, or hypothesis that the research paper is addressing
    • The methodology used (experimental, correlational, survey, etc.)
    • The specific variables explored
    • The information gained or conclusions resulting from the study (was the hypothesis proven?)
    • Implications for future practice: after reading this article, is this a practice/method that you will employ? Why or why not?
    • Reference at least two scholarly sources.!!!!!

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