Jeff Bezos Profile


OVERVIEW: You will be assigned a corporate leader who has been newsworthy in recent years. Your assignment is to profile Jeff Bezos. Specifics are below.  


  • Research the leader (Jeff Bezos) – what you are looking for is how they have behaved as the leader of their organization. What have they done well? What have they done poorly? How have they succeeded in their leadership? How have they failed in their leadership?
  • Identify 4 reasons for their leadership successes that you can link directly to course concepts. List each concept separately, then provide a short summary (3-6 sentences) that explains how this concept is present in the leader’s behaviors/choices/decisions/etc.
  • Identify 4 reasons for their leadership failures that you can link directly to course concepts. List each concept separately, then provide a short summary (3-6 sentences) that explains how this concept is present in the leader’s behaviors/choices/decisions/etc.

GROUND RULES: You can use any concepts below that you see as relevant to your leader. You may not repeat any concepts – there must be 8 total, distinct concepts discussed. The concepts can come from any of the chapters, but you may use no more than 2 concepts from any single chapter. You should format your assignment using the template on the following 2 pages. Feel free to copy/paste the template into your own Word document to get started – this will take the guesswork out of formatting. Be sure to include the second page of the template – citations/references

Course concepts are:

1) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Achievement orientation

2) Organizational shells and Team Leadership Model

3) The Rocket Model

4) Theory of Organizational Culture and Multiple-influence model

5) The Path-Goal Theory and The Normative Decision Model

6) Bass’s Theory of Transformational and Transactional Leadership and The Rational Approach to Organizational Change

7) Destructive leadership, Managerial incompetence and Dark-Side Personality Traits

8) Creating a Compelling Vision, Managing Conflict and Negotiation   

  I have uploaded a simple essay that you can copy and past to get the format and to act as an example of what the essay should look like. Also, don't worry about including the chapter numbers as I will add that in myself.      

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